Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I needed to take a break from this blog. I've been incredibly busy between buying our new house & moving into it (still working on that, btw), and being a maid of honor in my best friend's wedding (lots of weekends driving to NJ to attend wedding related festivities).

I feel burnt out. I feel confused. I feel lost. I want to take action because my weight makes me unhappy ... AND SCARED. But I am having such a hard time overcoming this mental block I have. I'm afraid to start, because I'm afraid of failing again. And I'm tired, I'm tired of doing the same thing over and over.

I did come up with a new plan that is something different and also seems pretty reasonable.
  • Following the principles of the No-S Diet
  • Tracking my meals and exercise in Fitday (and possibly publishing my Fitday journal)
  • Buying a quality scale and weighing myself every Friday morning before work
  • Starting a walking program since my new neighborhood is safe & sidewalked
  • Making my own meals when possible and bringing my lunch to work
What do you think?

Anyway...still feeling down. I need encouragement. I need someone to tell me I can do this. I need someone to believe in me. And I need to convince myself that I can do this, and learn to believe in myself as well.

I'm afraid to weigh myself on Friday, but I am going to do it and stop procrastinating.


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