Monday, April 02, 2007

Just me, whining...

It's been kind of hard the past couple of days. It sucks because I really did so well Friday night and all day Saturday. Friday night, as I mentioned below, I managed to choose a totally OP meal at Uno's, and even though the waiter kinda made fun of me for asking for no breadstick (dude, it's 5 points!), I was really proud of myself.

Saturday I did major grocery shopping, and I went to both Trader Joe's and my regular supermarket Shaw's. I kinda had been craving Chinese food, so I decided that since we were staying in to watch movies Sat night, I'd have Trader Joe provide some healthier alternatives to Chinese takeout. So I made TJ's mandarin orange chicken, some jasmine rice, TJ's vegetable egg rolls, and some frozen mixed veggies from TJ's. It wound up being a great, Points-friendly, totally satisfying meal. Then Sunday came and my lack of planning got me into trouble at dinnertime. I had been planning on making pesto pizza at home, but we were out all day helping a friend fix up his new place, and then it was kinda late and I was *starving* so we went out. And we went to the Olive Garden, and I *could* have made some good choices, but I chose to pig out instead, on breadsticks and salad (with regular dressing) and sangria and pasta with cheesy sauce.

And Monday ... oh I just had such cravings all day long. I didn't cave in to my major cravings for a muffin from Dunkin Donuts or a Twix from the vending machine, but I did pig out a little at dinner. I made breakfast burritos and homemade home fries with very little oil...not the worst meal, but not portion controlled or measured.

So, for Tuesday I would really like to get it back together and STAY OP. I'm thinking that I might try to consciously eat more Core foods, while staying on Flex (the famous Flore plan, hahaha). Except then I would have to bring something other than Lean Cuisines for lunch. And yes, I really AM too lazy to make a sandwich. Sometimes I'm even too lazy to remember my Lean Cuisine, and then I have to come back home and get it or go out and buy a new one at lunchtime. My laziness knows no bounds.

Ok, so I won't officially do Flore, but I do want to start eating more "clean" and try & cut out more of the processed crap.

I really want to come up with some better high protein snacks. I feel kind of "meh" about lunch meat, I like eggs but I eat them a lot, I'm getting worn out on cottage cheese, I can't handle string cheese in the house, and I don't really like yogurt all that much.

At least I got my husband to pick a recipe out of Cooking Light and agree to make it. He's making Stir-Fried Szechuan Steak on Rice for Tuesday night's dinner. I figure this way I get a break and he gets to pick out dinner for a change. I usually cook just because of WW, but if he's following recipes from Cooking Light or another cookbook with NI, then that's fine.

Well, I am tired and it is way past my bedtime.



Blogger The Fat Foreigner said...

I'm glad you were able to keep a positive outlook, and yay for getting hubby to cook!

5:47 PM  

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