Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Trifecta of Crap

Right now I am dealing with a sudden trifecta of crap.

1. I fell down a flight of stairs yesterday.
2. I woke up this morning with some bad flu symptoms.
3. Aunt Flo decided to pay a goddamn visit.

In general I am feeling very depressed & pessimistic right now. I don't want to talk to anybody really because I'm just going to whine about "woe is me". I haven't slept well in days. At first it was just because the bed at my in-laws' was uncomfortable, but now that I am back home, I still can't sleep because now my body is covered in huge painful bruises. And my throat hurts. And I'm crampy.

To add to my woe is me whine whine whine fest, I am the only person I know who has to work this week. Only about 20% of the normal employees are here this week, but I have no vacation or sick time left for 2006, so here I am. And I feel guilty that I'm getting nothing done, but I'm drugged up on cold medicine and I ache all over. I can't even tell if it's from falling down the stairs or if it's flu-ache.

In general, I feel like a barrel of sunshine and rainbows.

But I realize that I am depressed because I am not feeling good. And that is understandable. I mean, do you really begrudge me my crankiness? You can't. You'd be in a shitty mood too if you hurt all over *and* you had to go to work *and* you had your period *and* it was your husband's birthday so you were trying to be nice and cheerful at home so as not to ruin the day for him.

I wanted to talk about 2007. I want badly to start 2007 with a clean slate. To put the depression and hopelessness and frustrations behind me. I am in a new place than I was when we rang in 2006. And now I physically hurt all over, and it makes it so hard to feel hopeful and creative and imaginative.

But I will heal, and maybe along with my body, I can work on really starting to heal my heart & my soul & my mind too.


Blogger Askazombiehousewife said...

I am sorry you fell and are not feeling well. Maybe when you get home you need to crule up with a good book and DVD

6:36 PM  

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