Tuesday, December 19, 2006

100th Post!

I feel like I should have a party or something.

But I'm not. Not, really.

But I do think I need to make this whole WW thing easier on me. I was reading that book everyone is crazy about, You on a Diet, (great read, btw), and one of the suggestions is to pick 2 meals a day where you eat the same thing each day. Sounds kind of boring, but it also sounds like it would make life oh so easy. Less decisions to make, thus less of a chance to make the wrong decision.

I am going to give this a whirl, at least for work days. Breakfast and Lunch are pretty routine and are the easiest to automate. Breakfast will be a bowl of whole grain, low sugar cereal, with a piece of fruit (preferably a sliced banana, my favorite) and 1% milk, and coffee. I was thinking Lunch should follow my standard Lean Cuisine + piece of Fruit routine, so I will do that for now. But I do eventually want to cut out the processed foods. I think by the time the weather warms up, I will switch to salads with beans & chicken. My afternoon snack will be yogurt or cottage cheese with another piece of fruit. And dinner is flexible.

I am getting very frustrated with how I am always buying groceries with the intention of making healthy meals and eating them, but I put off my healthy dinners and meal plans and the crap goes bad, and I have to throw it out.

I am going to have to start making dinner meal plans for the week before I go shopping, and only get enough stuff to make those dinners. I should also try & base some dinners on ingredients that are either non-perishable or freezable, so that if a dinner plan gets knocked out due to unforseen circumstances, I can rearrange the weekly meal plan without having to throw things in the trash.

Good for the waistline *and* the wallet!

I am excited because we have hot water in our apartment again. This means I can workout tonight! Woohoo!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha - you made me look! I had no idea how many posts I had made but it is 334 total; when I hit 500, we shall have a party.

When I was starting WW, I ate oatmeal every damned day and it never got old...but two meals? Eh.

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 100th post! That is exciting. I think I still have plenty to go. If only I would get off my ass and start posting :)

I've never heard of that book... am I living in the dark ages?

7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hilly - wow, you are a prolific blogger indeed! You should definitely have a 500th post party. Well, the second meal is a Lean cuisine ... so it won't be the same kind every day, so there's variety there, it just prevents me from saying "Oh, I'll go to Panera for lunch!" and then use 20 points on a pepperblue steak sandwich or something.

fat girl - Thanks! It has been pretty popular but just recently - if you go into any bookstore, they usually have it prominently displayed. I recommend flipping through it, it's pretty interesting.

11:44 AM  

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