Friday, January 19, 2007

Day two of charting my mood, energy levels, meal components, hunger levels, appetite, etc. One thing I have noticed is that my typical meals are mainly simple carbohydrates and fats. Something tells me that this is going to have to change eventually. But for the time being, I'm going to keep on tracking until all 7 days' worth of charts are filled out. I'm kind of antsy because I want to read ahead in the book, but I'm not supposed to read past where I've gotten to. Probably so as to not bias what I'm eating right now or what I put as my responses to how I feel before/after eating.

One thing I can say is that I feel downright queasy today. It might be stress - I've certainly got a lot of little things that are bugging me. It also might be poor diet - we've been getting takeout a lot. You know what I'm craving? A big bowl of oatmeal with raisins and walnuts and honey. It's not exactly low cal, but it's got some stuff I think I need. Plus it's bland and the thought of eating it doesn't make me feel green in the gills. I'd love to crave a big salad right now, but it makes me feel sick to think of eating veggies right now. I could go for fruit, yogurt, oatmeal, nuts - basically things that are mostly bland and/or sweet. I might be able to eat eggs.

I'm also very tired. My wrist is in so much pain that I keep waking up from it hurting. It's worrying me that it's not getting any better despite the wrist brace and Advil. I have a doctor's appointment, but they couldn't squeeze me in until a week from today. And I'm sure that will just be a springboard to seeing a specialist and getting some x-rays or whatever they do.

I feel like I'm always going to the doctor. Does it seem that way to you, dear readers? I must sound like a total wreck. Today I just saw my ob/gyn for my yearly happyfuntime appointment. So that wasn't a "sick" visit or anything. And I see my psych dr about every 4-6 weeks (for now) and my therapist every 2-3 weeks. I see my primary doctor once a year for physicals (I'm actually good about this) and whenever I'm sick. And I also see my endocrinologist every year because ... ugh ... I have a "goiter". That word, goiter, makes me sick. So let's call it an "enlarged thyroid". It bothers me because there is nothing medically wrong with my thyroid except that it is enlarged, so we have to just keep an eye on it indefinitely. Fun fun fun. So I guess I do see a lot of doctors. I hope I get my weight in check SOON so that I don't have to add more to my list when my health catches up to my weight.

Anyway, I'm very tired. I do feel like I sorely need a good workout tonight, at least a WATP 2-mile, maybe a WATP 3-mile. When I skip too many workouts and get lazy I start to feel like my blood is going stagnant in my muscles, like instead of pumping fresh red blood, it's pumping pancake syrup or molasses. I know that's not true, but I just start to feel gross all over my body - not in a fat way, but in a very lazy, sluggish way. I need to listen to that and get my butt moving a little more regularly. I know it will give me a little extra pep and a nice mood boost in addition to fixing the slug-like feeling.

Well, I will be out & about most of the weekend so I doubt I'll post again until Monday, so have a great weekend, everybody!


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