Friday, November 10, 2006

Weigh in Friday

Let me recap my week. Friday-Sunday I was pretty much totally off program entirely. I don't know what I ate, and I honestly don't even want to try & remember, because it was probably *that* bad. Sunday at some point I felt disgusted with myself and did the WATP 2-mile without weights. Then I decided to get my shit together and come clean on the WW message board of which I am a regular (ok, an addict).

So, I made a plan, that I would post my meals every single day whether I was OP or not...that I would exercise at least 30 min a day / 4x a week, and that I would strive to lose a total of 6 lbs in November (meaning that I would go from 258 -> 252). On Monday, like I promised, I got right back OP, and despite bumps in the road, I stayed OP all week. Until last night when, most likely due to an extreme lack of protein in my meals, I was slammed with a case of the ohmygodIamstarvingandmusteatrightnow after dinner, and had a bagel (whole wheat with light margarine & apple butter) and then some vanilla ice cream with Hershey syrup. I counted the points afterwards, and basically I went 10 points over my WPAs for the week.

So this morning, I weigh in, at home, and lo & behold I'm up a pound. I had also stepped on the scale yesterday morning, and was also up a pound. The same pound. I mean both times I went from 258 -> 259.

Now, I acknowledge that I went off plan, but this week was about a million times better than all of my prior weeks, and I feel like I at least deserved to stay the same if not lose a pound. So I'm a little pissed off. But I swear to all that is holy that I'm going to lose that pound AND THEN SOME, come hell or high water, by next Friday.

And I will eat protein with every meal to prevent ohmygodIamstarvinandmusteatrightnow moments.


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