Thursday, March 23, 2006


I feel panicky right now...which makes me feel sort of pathetic.

Let me start off by saying that I'm doing great this week. Here's why:
  • I started going to the gym again and logging my workouts.
  • I started taking multi-vitamins and a B-complex daily.
  • I've been writing down everything I eat, and counting indulgences out of my flex points.
  • When I have had an unplanned snack, I count it and move on.
  • I've been eating lots of fruit & have been working on veggies too.
  • I've stopped putting sugar in my coffee & tea.
  • I'm drinking a lot of water, both at work and at home.
  • I am not falling into the temptation to participate in challenges or competitions.
  • I'm still within my designated points, and have 12 flex points left to use thru Saturday.
So why am I panicky feeling?
  • I'm hungry. I'm really truly hungry. I have an apple and a yogurt but I feel like even if I eat them I will still be hungry.
  • I stepped on the scale this morning (why, I don't know) and it does not show a loss.
  • Because of the "test" WW program I am on thru my local WW center, my daily points target is higher than normal. I'm wondering if this is a bad thing for my weight loss.
  • I'm sore! I'm very very sore. When are my muscles going to feel better?
  • I'm tired - going to the gym after work and then cooking takes up a lot of time. I need to get into a better routine.
  • I haven't been getting enough sleep.
  • I've failed before and I wonder how long I can hang on if I feel like I'm struggling now.
Most of it is that I'm hungry - why can't I stop thinking about food? It's seriously all I want to think about and talk about and daydream about.

This is why I need to bring myself back. Remember, one day at a time. This is not a race. Even if I do not lose a tremendous amount this week, I have controlled myself and stayed OP and started a bunch of healthy routines. The number on the scale means nothing - building healthy habits means everything.

I just need to hang on for today. That's all. And I know that I can do that.


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